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There are things I miss. Crucial things without which existence is bleak. I found that I am not alone in this misery, Frauke – who also once lived in America – feels the same way. So this Sunday, after careful googling, we tried to create an approximation of what here cannot be bought: Homemade Oreo’s! […]

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Past bedtime

Lone figure on skates, a 3D-sihouette in black clothing. Pale light – yellow, mint, blue – in intricate patterns on the ice. Fluid, lithe movements, a celebration of pop turned poetry. Muscles moving under the cloth, it looks so easy though virtually impossible. Synched with the still-soft music his glide turns into a triple toe-loop. […]

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Julemorgen vågner alle børn vist tidligt – om ikke andet så for at se hvad Kalendernissen har bragt denne sidste dag. Christoffer og katten sad i sengen og beundrer Lokes lænker som Christoffer lige har pakket op.Senere læste vi julehistorien i Politiken inden den hel store julekokkerering gik igang.Imens var Lasse gået igang med at […]

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Though the temperatures are still in the wet-and-windy region we did get a smidgeon of snow last Saturday, just as I was getting ready to move furniture.It didn’t last more than 5 minutes and an eigth of a centimeter, but it was there 🙂Sunday my Father and friends helped moved all my boxes from storage. […]

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Hvis jeg havde været mindre ærlig tror jeg at jeg var blevet tilbudt et job i dag. Jeg var til jobsamtale og blev bedt om at fortælle hvad jeg kunne tænke mig at lave – og hvad jeg ikke har lyst til. Og det gjorde jeg så. Hvad jeg berettede passede tydeligvis ikke med hvad […]

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