Kattens Rejse

Orlov, dag 524: Haltehjernens sang 🧠🎶

Nu hvor de tolv juledage (jep, husk at der fra gammel tid er tolv af dem, og ikke bare de par stykker vi lader os nøjes med i dag) netop er ved at rinde ud, vil haltehjernen gerne dele sin favoritsang med jer.

Mel: The Twelve Days of Christmas 🎄

On the first day of Christmas my nervous system said
You do have to be quiet now.

On the second day of Christmas my nervous system said
Please close your eyes
And you do have to be quiet now.

On the third day of Christmas my nervous system said
Go and lie down,
Please close your eyes
And you do have to be quiet now.

On the fouth day of Christmas my nervous system said
Use good ear plugs,
Go and lie down,
Please close your eyes
And you do have to be quiet now.

On the fifth day of Christmas my nervous system said
Close all the blinds,
Use good ear plugs,
Go and lie down,
Please close your eyes
And you do have to be quiet now.

On the sixth day of Christmas my nervous system said
Put on an eye mask,
Close all the blinds,
Use good ear plugs,
Go and lie down,
Please close your eyes
And you do have to be quiet now.

On the seventh day of Christmas my nervous system said
Breathwork is crucial,
Put on an eye mask,
Close all the blinds,
Use good ear plugs,
Go and lie down,
Please close your eyes
And you do have to be quiet now.

On the eigth day of Christmas my nervous system said
Never cry, ever!
Breathwork is crucial,
Put on an eye mask,
Close all the blinds,
Use good ear plugs,
Go and lie down,
Please close your eyes
And you do have to be quiet now.

On the ninth day of Christmas my nervous system said
Squash hard emotions,
Never cry, ever!
Breathwork is crucial,
Put on an eye mask,
Close all the blinds,
Use good ear plugs,
Go and lie down,
Please close your eyes
And you do have to be quiet now.

On the ninth day of Christmas my nervous system said
Squash hard emotions,
Never cry, ever!
Breathwork is crucial,
Put on an eye mask,
Close all the blinds,
Use good ear plugs,
Go and lie down,
Please close your eyes
And you do have to be quiet now.

On the tenth day of Christmas my nervous system said
Self-regulate more,
Squash hard emotions,
Never cry, ever!
Breathwork is crucial,
Put on an eye mask,
Close all the blinds,
Use good ear plugs,
Go and lie down,
Please close your eyes
And you do have to be quiet now.

On the eleventh day of Christmas my nervous system said
No multitasking,
Self-regulate more,
Squash hard emotions,
Never cry, ever!
Breathwork is crucial,
Put on an eye mask,
Close all the blinds,
Use good ear plugs,
Go and lie down,
Please close your eyes
And you do have to be quiet now.

On the twelfth day of Christmas my nervous system said
Don't ever hurry,
No multitasking,
Self-regulate more,
Squash hard emotions,
Never cry, ever!
Breathwork is crucial,
Put on an eye mask,
Close all the blinds,
Use good ear plugs,
Go and lie down,
Please close your eyes
And you do have to be quiet now.

… Det er heldigvis ikke sÃ¥ meget den forlanger, sÃ¥dan en haltehjerne 😉

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