Though the temperatures are still in the wet-and-windy region we did get a smidgeon of snow last Saturday, just as I was getting ready to move furniture.
It didn’t last more than 5 minutes and an eigth of a centimeter, but it was there
Sunday my Father and friends helped moved all my boxes from storage. Here are Rene and Pernille and my (previously my grandmother’s ) vacuum cleaner on the back seat, still peaceful before all the carrying.
Later, in the apartment while trying to find new spaces for everything I suggested the blanket be put in the chair. As Pelle had no intention of moving himself, this was the result:
Today, the first of the lengthening days on the way back towards light, there was much to do. Here are a few of the accomplishments. First a tiny selection of the marzipan and chocolates Christoffer and I made.
Apart from the tasty ones with different kinds of liquor, traditional shapes in our family, the heritage of my grandfather, for the colored kinds are snakes, sandwiches, mushooms, dog droppings (yes, really. Made from marzipan colored with cocoa) , apples, cats and carrots. As Christoffer is very interested in every and all things from the Viking age this year we also made many runes, ?suncrosses? (what is the English word for those? Cross encompassed by a circle, all arms same length.) and some moons and suns. Many of the Christmas cookies also came out as runes as well this year ? I wonder if rune shaped cookie cutters are purchasable somewhere For good measure we also made a baby Jesus in a crib. His followers tend to eat him anyway, so it seemed right that he should be made of marzipan. Despite already having a good mix of various religius symbols, I must point out that we did not make any of the prophet Muhammed. Islam explicitly forbids it, and unlike the Danish Prime Minister, in our kitchen we are considerate enough not to needlessly offend our fellow citizens.
Later we decorated the tree (you’ll notice it’s getting dark, so it must have been before 16:00
Just after we carried it inside my Mother and Christoffere were both energetic and moving fast.
Cristoffer played with the reflection in the glass globes just like the chipmunks in Disney. Here he is hitting close to them, joyed at the enlarging effect.
Finally most of our decorations were on the tree, not in boxes.
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